Open House is tomorrow!
Periods 1 & 2:
Anglo-Saxon research project presentations.
Periods 3 & 4:
If you were not in class today, please review these Slides on SOAPSTone.
We read this article in class, annotating it for SOAPSTone, adding to the reading side of the note template you added to your Notebook yesterday.
Annotating is not an option. You must make notes on the text prior to making notes in your notebook. This helps you avoid plagiarism and make sense of what's important.
Period 4:
I handed out Open House info and Federal Survey Cards. You will get yours when you return (if you are absent today).
We will "reflect" in our notes tomorrow.
Period 6:
1. English Journal Self Score:
Open your English Journal
Review the English Journal Scoring Guide (attached here).
Determine how you would score your English Journal.
PASTE the sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete.
October 2, 2019 Self Score:
I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.)
2. Creating visual memoirs.

- Option 1: Make slides and a script for your memoir. (0-85%)
- Option 2: Turn those slides and script into a video or present it in class. (0-100%)
- You can find more information about this project on Google Classroom.
- Remember for photos you can only use your own pictures (credited) and
For your visual memoir, you can only use pictures from or personal pictures you or someone you know took.
- All pictures must have a visible black attribution bar OR be cited in the credits slide of your visual memoir.
- You may also use Creative Commons licensed images from other sources, but you must provide a link to that source in your credit.
- Citation format for images is: Creator's Last name, First name. “Title of the digital image.” Title of the website, retrieval date. URL.
Note: Providing a citation DOES NOT mean you are allowed to use the image. If you are in doubt about image rights ask a teacher.
ADVANCED Visual Memoir Rubric
BASIC Visual Memoir Rubric
Work Time:
Get started on your visual memoir project.
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