Note to ALL classes: There is now a place to begin turning in your INDEPENDENT READING PROJECTS on Google Classroom. It is an assignment called INDEPENDENT BOOK PROJECT #1. Read the directions there for a successful turn in.
Periods 1 and 2:
Finish reading Beowulf.
Last day to work on research projects. Presentation schedule HERE.
Periods 3 and 4:
If you are absent, please copy and paste this document into your notebooks at the top and add "Fake Meat Notes" to your table of contents.
At the top of the notes (where it says QUICK WRITE, please write what you think of when you hear the term "fake meat." You should write for 3-5 minutes.
After, please visit the link here and read the infographic. Please take notes in the LEFT side of the notes template. Your notes should include anything that catches your attention and details that could be useful when expanding upon and researching this topic.
After reading and taking notes, take five minutes to write a reflection on the writing side of your notes, considering any information that has confirmed, challenged, or extended your thinking on this topic. You may use these stems to help.
Period 6:

Self score your memoir
Article of the week
1. What's in your memoir:
- Highlighting specific things in your memoir can help you see what you have and what you need.
- Use THIS DOC of directions to color code your writing.
2. Self-score your memoir:
Use this MEMOIR SELF SCORE FORM to evaluate your memoir.
Memoirs are due today.

3. Article of the week
- Read THIS ARTICLE in Newsela. (Hint: Sign in with Google)
- Open your English Journal.
- Add a new entry at the TOP with today's date.
- Write two paragraphs about the article. The first one is a summary. (Use the summary frame below if you need it.) The second paragraph is your opinion. (You can say "I" in the second paragraph.)
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