Periods 1 and 2:
Read Beowulf pages 175 - 193.
Finish the period working on Anglo-Saxon Research Projects. Your next times to work on the projects will be Monday and Tuesday. Presentations are Wednesday through Friday next week.
Periods 3 and 4:
Symbols project presentations.
Period 6
Focus on revision of memoirs: Adding dialogue and interior monologue
- Look at the text you pasted into your English Journal. (This is the first piece under "Dialogue").
- With your partner discuss how you would correctly format this dialogue. You probably need to add some paragraph breaks and punctuation.
Well, why were you down at the swimming pool anyway? my mom asked as she pulled the dripping carton of eggs out of the shopping bag. I told you I need to get in shape before the swim team tryouts. Damn half these eggs are broken. But sweetie, you know that kids under 13 aren’t allowed at the pool without an adult. Why didn’t you ask your father or I to go with you. Because you guys are busy and if I wait for you to take me it will get later and the pool will get more crowded with adults who want to swim laps and I just don't like sharing a lane with some hairy dude in a speedo. Honey, the lifeguards know you are under 13 and they will be watching for you. They just aren’t going to let you swim there. I’m sorry, but we need a better solution.

- Add dialog to your memoir.
- You don't need to remember the actual words anyone said. You can write what you think they said or what you think they probably said.
Interior Monologue
View the Slides presentation and read the mentor text. Then, respond in your notes (copied/pasted into Notebook).
When finished with all tasks, return to memoirs to revise for dialogue and interior monologue. (You may also be adding descriptive language, working on launches and landings, or flashback).
Tomorrow is writing response groups. You will read your memoir OUT LOUD as well as give and receive feedback.
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